
On 4-20-2020 BlockCerts was listed on the ExMarkets Exchange as a “Pre-Trading Token under the symbol: BCERT/USDT. The initial Bid of $.90 and $1.00 Ask.

ExMarkets is the most popular IEO Launch Pad in the World. It’s the starting point for the most promising blockchain, utility token projects and cryptocurrency space. An IEO stands for Initial Exchange Offering. 

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What is a BCERT Token?

A BCERT Token is an asset to run your business, it’s a utility token with incredible built-in value.
BCERT Tokens are the transportation tools of transactions. They transport value that ends in an authentication, a log and a completed smart contract, purchase and/or payments.
All of this happens when single BCERT Tokens move by the millions, and fuses together the hashes of data that create the blocks on the BlockCerts Blockchain – to create the fully distributed immutable critical record.

There are over 400 proprietary software applications today within BlockCerts with a growing number of future applications. Today BlockCerts supports seed to sale tracking, KYC identification, large digital security exchange transactions, business software transactions and more.

BCERT tokens are held in a BCERTin Token Wallet and can be used for powering new software and in the future, rented, traded or sold. The BCERT Tokens have been listed on ExMarkets as of 4-20-2020 for pre-trading and going live soon. They will be listed on the FusionSTX exchange 2Q, 2020.

The BCERT Token is an incredible opportunity to lower business costs and to be a part of the growth of the BlockCerts Movement.

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