Creating Truth, Trust and Transparency to
Catapult Business and Change the World.

BlockCerts has put the advantages of blockchain within your reach.

By Tim Vasko, Founder, BlockCerts Blockchain

The BlockCerts platform, created over 13 years through more than 1.7 million development hours, will deliver cost-effective, real-world solutions to solve real-world problems. Today. We partner with businesses to truly understand their vision. And then do our part to put this transformative technology to work for them.

We’ve processed billions of transactions through Finaeos in Real Estate, eHealth, Mortgage and other industries, which gave us the edge in integrating our proprietary applications with our blockchain built for real business solutions.

We’ve reached many milestone over the past year including moving from “Testnet” to “Livenet” and going “Live” on the BlockCerts Blockchain genesis block in April. BlockCerts is a hard fork of Ethereum. We have a POS - POA protocol model. We have extensive Node implementations on Azure, AWS, and we've stood up on Oracle, as well we run our own Private Cloud and have a model for on-prem deployments for Private BlockCerts Enterprise Nodes. We now have nodes running on 6 continents.

We’re getting a lot of attention because we’re now integrating Live Use Cases and scaling our business while most blockchain companies are still in the development and white paper stage. Where unique in many ways including our patented miner-less blockchain and proprietary KYC authentication integrated with over 400 applications for business.

With BlockCerts, the future of blockchain has arrived. And we’re ready to empower everyone to go beyond traditional boundaries to achieve whatever it is they want to achieve

I welcome you to join us on our growth path and be on the lookout for numerous announcements to come!

Tim Vasko
CEO and Founder
BlockCerts Blockchain