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A New Way to Securely Sign Your Documents

You wouldn’t think about signing a new client, employing a new team member and just leaving
it there!

Or, buying a new car or house without turning over the keys - would you??

So, why are you still signing documents with email and pdf - thinking the job is done? Try the
first Smart Contract that goes beyond eSignatures.


Time to Evolve - Time to Work Smart

SignCERTin is an all-in-one full deal room that is much more than eSignature

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Video meetings

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Private Chat

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See every version

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View logs, no more wondering

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Date and location stamped

Just “signing” is the only the beginning!

Stop letting your documents get stuck in cave man days of email and PDF, in some file management
system - that’s not connected to the most important point of getting a signature!!


Time to Evolve - Time to Work Smart

You’re creating new relationships all over the globe.
Imagine this, you have a meeting.

”Let’s Do This!”

Your new client, partnership, and staff member are ready to go.

Don’t make them wait for “an email” and PDF.


Minimize Future Legal Risks

Full Transparency, Intent and Immutable Records

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Videos, IM and
documents show the
full intent of a

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Date, time and
location signature
stamps become more

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All parties in a
channel become
witnesses to a

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Smart Contract
calendar updates
keep contracts

Activity Channels Power Your Business

Every Client, Every Employee, Every Vendor

With Activity Channels, now every contract has a home.

Quickly find every contract, with all supporting documents to insure you follow through on your
commitments, assign tasks and tie future calendar commitment dates to every contract.

Contracts now become Smart Contracts with Real Power.

Just upload, select and GO!

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Upload and sign

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eSEALING the deal!
With completely
signatures verified on
BlockCerts Blockchain

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Everything from
meeting start to
delivery tracked,
signed, sealed and
ready to GO!

Most Importantly - You Are Ready to Start eDELIVERING!

Everything from meeting start to delivery tracked, signed, sealed and ready to GO!

eSign immediately, eSeal on BlockCerts
blockchain, eDeliver everything

Get “unstuck” from your PDF document - email chase today


1/3 of the job “eSign” won’t get you there.
SignCERTin helps you 100% of the Way!!

Get With the Program that lets you do it ALL

SignCERTin - BCERTin - WorkCERTin

eSign - eSealed - eDelivered

Catapult Productivity. Do more - with more confidence and less hassel.