How it works

Brand equity is a highly valuable, highly vulnerable intangible asset.

BrandCERTin, by BlockCerts Blockchain, engages BCERTin Technologies that enable brands to protect their biggest asset from knock-offs, fraud and resulting PR problems.

TrackCERTin technology is integrated into a protected NFT for products.

Here’s How To Protect & Create New Validation Value for Your Brand

Brand points are Identified – that clearly identify the unique steps that go into the brand products and services.
TrackCERTin is a ‘chain of custody’ solution that embeds these points into our smart contract process flow using our patented Smart Tags™
Smart Tags™ are embedded into the Brands NFTs produced for the product (which can be highly unique pieces or “lots” grouped)
The BCERTin Vault & Wallet Technology captures the point of sale, for the “last mile” delivery to the Brand’s clients
The NFT QR Code is stored on the BlockCerts Blockchain, in the Customer Wallet and Vault. An embedded identifier, which can be scanned via smartphone, identifies the product’s authenticity and validation.

Immutable Brand Equity Increases in Value

Each piece has a unique, encrypted, stored and viewable “hash” to the BlockCerts Blockchain immutable ledger and NFT validations.
Anyone, a customer, a holder of the item, even a secondary market buyer – can authenticate by simply scanning a QR code, providing the public address to – decrypt the validation points from TrackCERTin.
Your Brand journey doesn’t stop with the sale to a customer, it starts there.
Luxury items like accessories, jewelry, clothing, etc. are part of a customer’s collection. By validating with a simple “scan” and unique NFT site for each customer’s purchases, the customer’s sense of ownership, pride and confidence increases – providing a higher perceived value for the products.

Why BlockCerts Blockchain?

Blockchain is a powerful technology for creating unique elements through cryptography. Like Bitcoins and ETH, each token is non-duplicatable and unique.

BlockCerts has, through millions of development hours, unraveled the code for the uses of blockchain for traditional business, beyond cryptocurrency and digital NFT speculation. BlockCerts created the Web 3.0 Cloud, where a business’s tools, that they use to sell today, are tied directly to the blockchain – without the need for massive engineering and software development.

BrandCERTin leverages the tools – which are branded to your company’s product line – with a rapid approach that enables your company to focus on your business, rather than software development and blockchain. We combine the BCERTin technologies of:

  • Vaultcertin
  • Trackcertin
  • Shopcertin
  • Paycertin

Configure them for your uniquely Branded NFT Smart Contracts.

With your new sales and exchange engine, you’ll create a powerful new way to protect your customer's investment in your Brand.

Building Brand Equity Through NFT Blockchain Validation
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Authentication Will Elevate Your Brand. Your brand grows in value, through blockchain protection & authentication. It’s as easy as scanning from a smartphone. Its unique characteristics and products are protected by BlockCerts patented NFT Technology!            

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Forever Connected. New Brand Experiences. New Sales. Your Branded Wallet provides authentication, registration, payments, offers, purchases, rewards and more!

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Tracked Across any Ethereum Based Blockchain. BrandCERTin brands are immutable, validated on BlockCerts Blockchain, and can be tracked across any Ethereum based blockchain.

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New Market Value. Brands can be purchased, protected and sold in the primary market, or by your validated customers, with the NFT Token standards (creating a new authenticated secondary market).

About AIDem Works Enterprises

AIDem turns the power of the media and the technologies, from social to influencers, back over to clients and brands.

Traditional media has largely centralized power in the hands of agencies and distribution at a high cost to the creators. AIDem (media spelled backwards) turns the power 360°, to give creators the unique power to utilize emerging technologies, based on blockchain and web 3.0, to protect their IP, brand identity, products and ideas –

As your goals change, you can exchange BCERTin for BCERTs anytime with our built-in SWAP bridge. Use the tools, trade your tokens, pay, transactions and more with ease.
Utility Gold Token
Eth Based Black Token