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HealthCERTin Telehealth Reimagined
Built on Blockcerts Blockchain to encrypt every interaction for privacy, security, safety and compliance
HealthCERTin is a platform that connects the fragmented marketplace to provide a new solution that allows rapid integration to benefit everyone - with the BCERTin Vault inside to ensure privacy and authentic records
Contact Us to Review How it Works >>
HealthCERTin is a COVID-19 Health project to provide pharmacies, distribution, patients and providers access to care and confidence in the vaccines, medicines and privacy they require now and in the long term.
HealthCERTin is operated by BlockCerts Blockchain, the leading digital ledger company securing privacy, data and payments to comply with all mandated privacy laws and cannabis compliance. BlockCerts spent over 1.8M development hours creating the platform.
IDCERTin - authenticates Age and ID to insure everyone is compliant in the process.
Private Keys - insures that only you and your healthcare providers have access to your data.
BlockCerts Blockchain – Creates an encrypted secure solution and storage vault for protecting data.
BCERTin Vault Inside – HealthCERTin provides the encrpted verification and compliance mandated by compliance laws globally to allow for true treatment to person and deliver seamlessly for everyone who is treated.
Licensed Provider Road Blocks
Consumers Need Guidance & Access
Pharmacists Are Accessible
HealthCERTin Integrates and Consolidates All Parties